Learning Clip: 368 - During which phase of the crystal meth experience does the user spiral down towards feelings of emptiness?
This clip explains the tweaking phase in crystal meth users. The individual's dopamine levels will be completely exhausted resulting in a downward spiral of emptiness and depression.
Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, addiction, aggression, alcohol, answer, binge, cardio, crash, craving, crystal, crystal meth, delusion, depression, drugs, education, emptiness, emptyness, exhaustion, experience, feelings, hallucinate, hallucination, hd, heart, heartbeat, heroin, high, high definition, hyperactive, ice, ice - crystal meth, learning, meth, methamphetamine, mood, other, paedagogy, paranoia, pedagogy, phase, phase. rush, physiology, question, resource, scratching, sensory, sleep, speed, spiral, suicidal, tachycardia, teaching, tolerance, tweaking, withdrawal,