Apps and iBooks

iOS App
Disease 3Dme
What is a disease? We take a look inside the human body to explore the difficulties in defining a disease.

iPad App
Diabetes Education Games
Module 1 "What is Diabetes?" includes a 5 minute 3D animation plus immersive games and challenges. Includes In-App purchase for diabetes education modules 2, 3 and 4 – Food Choices, Effects of Common Illnesses, and Diabetes Treatments.

iOS App
Oxidative Phosphorylation
For undergraduate medical and biochemistry students. Includes 8 minute 3D animation and 20 multiple choice questions about the electron transport chain and how mitochondria absorb electrons to generate energy. 20 multiple choice questions.

iOS App
Ventilation Perfusion Matching
For medical and nursing students. Shows respiratory physiology of gas exchange at the alveolar and capillary level.

iOS App
Alcohol and Your Brain
Our most popular community health education App. Explains the physiological effects of alcohol on the developing brain.

Alcohol and Your Brain
This interactive book contains 100 pages divided into 9 chapters of up-to-date journal referenced content, supported by 3D graphics and videos, animations, interactive models, plus questions and answers.

iOS App
Ice - Your Body Belongs to You
Crystal meth community health education App. Explains biological and psychological results of using this illicit drug.

iOS App
MS 3Dme
Helps people newly diagnosed with MS, their family, friends, parents and teachers to understand this disease better.

iOS App
Smarter Thinking
Investigates how thoughts can become habitual thinking patterns which can influence an individual’s behaviour positively or negatively.

iOS App
Think Don't Drink
Produced for Adventist Health. A guided tour of the brain, demonstrating how alcohol affects an individual.