• What are the main chemicals released in the body after taking crystal meth?

Learning Clip: 361 - What are the main chemicals released in the body after taking crystal meth?



Ice primarily effects the adrenal glands and the brain

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, addiction, adrenal gland, adrenaline, answer, blood, bloodstream, body, brain, cardio, chemical, chemicals, crystal, crystal meth, dopamine, drug, education, effect, emotion, fight, flight, hd, heart, high definition, hormone, ice, ice - crystal meth, inject, injection, learning, meth, methamphetamine, motor, movement, needle, nerve, nerves, neuron, neurone, neurones, neurons, neurotransmitter, other, paedagogy, pedagogy, personality, physiology, pleasure, question, released, resource, response, rush, seratonin, serotonin, sexual, sleep, smoking, speed, stimulation, synapse, syringe, tachycardia, teaching,

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