• Male Upper Body Waking Up (greenscreen)

Stock Footage: 1264



Upper body of human male shown in supine position waking up, turning head and rubbing face with an arm with a greenscreen background

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, alarm, alone, arousal, arouse, awake, awoken, body, circadian rhythm, cycle, deep, diabetes, diabetic, disoriented, dream, drowsy, emotion, fatigue, green screen, greenscreen, hd, health, high definition, hours, human, illness, insulin, light, lonely, lying, malaise, male, medical, nap, nightmare, other, physiology, recover, recuperate, rejuvenation, relax, rem, rest, resting, sleep, sleep apnoea, sleep-wake cycle, sleeping, sleepy, supine, upper, upper body, waking, zzz,

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