Stock Footage: 1101
A transparent view into the thoracic cavity showing the expansion and deflation of the lungs and rib cage during breathing
Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, air, alveoli, alveolus, anatomy, animation, arteries, blood, body, bones, breathe, breathing, carbon dioxide, cavity, circulatory system, clavicle, close up, diffusion, doctor, elements, erythrocytes, gas, hd, health, high definition, life, lobe, lung, lungs, matching, medical, microscopic, molecules, nitrogen, oxygen, oxygenation, pan, perfusion, rbc, red blood cell, respiration, respiratory, ribs, saturation, spinning, thoracic, v/q, veins, ventilation,