• Brain Turntable 1

Stock Image: 269



A  3D illustration of the brain component of the central nervous system visible are the parietal, frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex as well as the brain stem and cerebellum

Tags: 1280x720, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, 720p, alcohol, anatomical, anatomy, brain, brainstem, central, cerebellum, cerebrum, cgi, frontal, hd, health, high definition, image, lobe, medical, medicine, medulla, mental, motor, nerve, nerves, nervous, neurological, neurology, neuron, neurone, neurones, neurons, neuroscience, neurotransmitter, parasympathetic, parietal, physiology, pituitary, pons, psychological, psychology, science, sensory, sympathetic, synapse, system, termporal, turntable, visualisation , visualization,

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