• Brain Clot BASIC 2

Stock Image: 2234



Transparent neural and arterial network showing dislodged blood clot embolus travelling to nervous system causing decreased perfusion, ischemia, infarction, blockage risking stroke or tissue death

Tags: 1280x720, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, 720p, anatomical, anatomy, animated, animation, background, brain, cardio, cardiovascular, cell, cgi, circulation, circulatory, clot, crystal meth, hd, health, high definition, ice, image, medical, medicine, mental, methamphetamine, nerve, nerves, nervous, neurological, neurology, neuron, neurone, neurones, neurons, neuroscience, neurotransmitter, organ, psychological, psychology, science, synapse, system, travel, visualisation , visualization, x-ray,

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