• What additional risks are there to users who inject meth?

Learning Clip: 373 - What additional risks are there to users who inject meth?



Users of ice are at risk of contamination from impurities caused by street lab ice manufacturing, which can lead to thrombosis and stroke

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, addict, addicted, addiction, addictive, additional, answer, blood clot, contamination, crystal meth, dependancy, dependant, education, euphoria, hd, high, high definition, hit, hook, hooked, ice, ice - crystal meth, impurities, inject, learning, meth, methamphetamine, other, paedagogy, pedagogy, question, resource, risks, speed, street lab, stroke, teaching, thrombosis,

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