• Which cellular compartment uses oxygen to produce energy?

Learning Clip: 376 - Which cellular compartment uses oxygen to produce energy?



The mitochondria is the powerhouse of all cells and where the O2 molecule produces energy.

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, answer, atp, biochem, biochemical, biochemistry, carbohydrate, carrier, carriers, cellular, co2, compartment, complex, cytochrome b-c1, dehydrogenase, education, electron transport chain, electrons, energy, etc, fat, fuel, hd, high definition, inner membrane, learning, macronutrients, medical, mitochondria, nadh, ox phos, oxidase, oxidative, oxidative phosphorylation, oxphos, oxygen, paedagogy, pedagogy, protein, question, resource, respiratory, teaching, uses, zoom,

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