• What happens during the 'High phase' of taking crystal meth?

Learning Clip: 364 - What happens during the 'High phase' of taking crystal meth?



This clip explains that the high from Ice will last from four to sixteen hours. The high will be accompanied with feelings of aggression.

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, addiction, addictive, age, aggression, answer, anxiety, beat, blood, brain, cardio, cardiovascular, central nervous system, cns, crystal, crystal meth, drugs, education, effects, gender, hd, heart, high definition, ice, ice - crystal meth, irregular, learning, meth, methamphetamine, other, paedagogy, party, pedagogy, phase, pulse, question, rapid, react, resource, rush, speed, stimulate, tachycardia, teaching, weight,

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