• During which phase of the crystal meth experience are larger doses needed to maintain the feeling?

Learning Clip: 367 - During which phase of the crystal meth experience are larger doses needed to maintain the feeling?



This clip explains the binge phase in crystal meth users. In order to maintain the high, individuals binge on increasingly larger doses with diminished effect.

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, addiction, aggression, alcohol, answer, binge, cardio, crash, craving, crystal, crystal meth, delusion, depression, doses, drugs, education, exhaustion, experience, feeling, hallucinate, hallucination, hd, heart, heartbeat, heroin, high, high definition, hyperactive, ice, ice - crystal meth, larger, learning, maintain, meth, methamphetamine, mood, other, paedagogy, paranoia, pedagogy, phase, phase. rush, physiology, question, resource, scratching, sensory, sleep, speed, suicidal, tachycardia, teaching, tolerance, tweaking, withdrawal,

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