• How does alcohol affect the Medulla?

Learning Clip: 332 - How does alcohol affect the Medulla?



This clip explains how the Medulla is affected by alcohol.

Tags: 1080p, 1920x1080, 3d, 3dme, 3dme creative studio, affect, alcohol, alcohol & your brain, answer, blackout, blood, brain, cardio, central nervous system, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, cerebrum, cns, control, coordination, damage, decision, development, education, emotion, frontal lobe, growing, hd, heart rate, high definition, hippocampus, homeostasis, hypothalamus, hypothermia, inhibition, judgement, learning, medulla, memory, nerve, nerves, nervous, neuron, neurone, neurones, neurons, neurotransmitter, paedagogy, party, pedagogy, question, resource, synapse, teaching, temperature, thought, underage, violent, young, youth,

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